


Fuinque is a handsome shrub with ferny foliage with tassels of yellow-red pea flowers. May suffer foliage damage and stem dieback in harsh winters in cold gardens. Plant can withstand temperatures down to -10°C. Requires deep, moist but welldrained soil. Blooms mid to late summer. Scientific Classification: Scientific Name: ———— Common Names: ———– Kingdom: ———– Native Range: ———- Family: ————- Genus: ———— How to care and grow ? Light: — thrives best in — Soil:…

Fukien tea tree is used in bonsai because of its ability to develop a thick and interesting trunk, small white flowers that bloom almost year-round, and tiny round green, red, or black fruits. The lobed leaves are shiny dark green and maintain their small size. Bonsai is ancient tradition of the Japanese for growing miniature trees or shrubs in containers. They are literally just a miniature form of the real thing. They can be shaped…

Acers (or Maples as they are commonly known as) are trees and shrubs grown mainly for their colourful foliage. Many varieties are the trees and shrubs responsible for spectacular Autumn colours. There are many different types of Acer, from the smaller types, such as the very popular Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple) grown in many gardens, to the large maple trees that can grow up to 45 m in height. Most species have palmate leaves that…

Acers (or Maples as they are commonly known as) are trees and shrubs grown mainly for their colourful foliage. Many varieties are the trees and shrubs responsible for spectacular Autumn colours. There are many different types of Acer, from the smaller types, such as the very popular Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple) grown in many gardens, to the large maple trees that can grow up to 45 m in height. Most species have palmate leaves that…

Acers (or Maples as they are commonly known as) are trees and shrubs grown mainly for their colourful foliage. Many varieties are the trees and shrubs responsible for spectacular Autumn colours. There are many different types of Acer, from the smaller types, such as the very popular Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple) grown in many gardens, to the large maple trees that can grow up to 45 m in height. Most species have palmate leaves that…

Acers (or Maples as they are commonly known as) are trees and shrubs grown mainly for their colourful foliage. Many varieties are the trees and shrubs responsible for spectacular Autumn colours. There are many different types of Acer, from the smaller types, such as the very popular Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple) grown in many gardens, to the large maple trees that can grow up to 45 m in height. Most species have palmate leaves that…

Corydalis are a genus of short-lived perennial plants with fern-like foliage and are suited to a wide range of garden habitats. The flowers cover a wide variety of colours and are tubular, and are held perpendicular to the foliage. They can be prone to mildew and rust. Corydalis usually grows wild in shade along the edges of woodlands. The flowers of the herb are hermaphrodite in nature, possessing male as well as female organs and…

No direct sunlight for Calathea’s as you lose the markings for which this plant is most desirable. Very dark, shady positions must also be avoided. Place close o a window, North facing is ideal, where the plant can receive lots of indirect sunlight. Calatheas work very well in terrariums. However, their beautiful foliage makes them great anywhere. Scientific Classification: Scientific Name: ———— Common Names: ———– Kingdom: ———– Native Range: ———- Family: ————- Genus: ———— How…

Subquadrangular stems up to 8″ with flar, very hairy, dark red flowers Scientific Classification: Scientific Name: ———— Common Names: ———– Kingdom: ———– Native Range: ———- Family: ————- Genus: ———— How to care and grow ? Light: — thrives best in — Soil: — grows well in — Water: —- Temperature: It prefers a temperature between — Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month — Propagation: — can be easily propagated by — Humidity: It requires moist air.…

Diospyros kaki is a spreading fruiting tree that has oval, dark green leaves, and in Summer small cream-coloured, bell-shaped flowers which, on female trees, are followed by edible yellow or orange fruit. The foliage gives good Autumn colour. Fuyu persimmons look like orange tomatoes, and are less astringent than Hachiya persimmons, so they can be eaten even when not fully ripe. Scientific Classification: Scientific Name: ———— Common Names: ———– Kingdom: ———– Native Range: ———- Family:…

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